
Foram 20.709 TEUs refrigerados movimentados em agosto, o melhor mês da história da companhia. Estrutura necessária poderia fornecer energia para uma cidade inteira. O Terminal de Contêineres de Paranaguá terminou o mês de agosto com a maior movimentação de cargas refrigeradas da sua história: foram 20.709 TEUs (unidades de contêiner de 20 pés). O alto […]
There were 20,709 TEUs of refrigerated cargo handled in August, the best month in the company’s history. The necessary structure could supply power to an entire city. The Paranaguá Container Terminal ended the month of August with the largest movement of reefer cargo in its history: 20,709 TEUs (20-foot container units). The high volume is […]
Terminal set a historical general handling record with 99.070 TEUs last month, with emphasis on refrigerated cargo. Customers in the segment reinforce their partnership with the company. Consolidated as the terminal with the largest movement of refrigerated containers in Brazil, TCP – the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal, closed the month of May […]
Works will allow mooring of Ro-Ro ships and should generate more productivity for port operations; investment is R $ 28 million The Paranaguá Port Authority started, in the beginning of April, a deepening dredging in the new dolphins, close to the TCP area – company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal. The works will allow […]
Women represent almost 20% of the company’s staff in the most different functions Once considered a hostile environment for women, the reality of the port sector has changed a lot in recent years. At TCP, the feminine presence among employees grew by 1,955% in recent years, from 11 women who predominantly occupied administrative functions, to […]