Environment & Community

In March, actions were taken to promote sustainable development and the appreciation of the Mbya Guarani culture in the indigenous villages participating in the Basic Environmental Plan for the Indigenous Component (PBACI) and the TCP Program for the Management of Guarani Mbya Cultural Assets. On March 14, the 12th ordinary meeting of the PBACI Management […]
A series of TCP initiatives aim to promote sustainable development and the appreciation of the Guarani Mbya culture in the surrounding indigenous villages, within the context of the PBACI – Basic Environmental Plan for the Indigenous Component drawn up for the terminal’s environmental licensing. In February 2024, the community approved the project for a Culture […]
Throughout January, a series of events and activities marked the implementation of the Basic Environmental Plan for the Indigenous Component in the Mbyas Guarani villages involved in the process, bringing significant progress and moments of celebration for the communities. One of this month’s milestones was the completion of the participatory timetable for 2024. This tool […]
In December 2023, TCP continued with the implementation of the Basic Environmental Plan for the Indigenous Component (PBACI) and the Guarani Mbyá Cultural Assets Management Program (PGBC), projects carried out with the participation of the Mbyá indigenous communities on the coast of Paraná. The month of December was marked by the inaugural mooring operation at […]
In September 2023, TCP continued to implement the Basic Environmental Plan for the participating Guarani indigenous communities. Among the main issues of the month was the conclusion of the participatory detailing of the pre-designs of the buildings planned for implementation in the three villages. Progress was also made in setting up aviaries for egg and […]
As a way of encouraging sports in the city, TCP begins a cycle of sponsorship for athletes, among them is Isabelli Nunes, junior professional surfer Twice Brazilian champion, four times Paraná state champion, and with 15 titles on her resume, 18-year-old Isabelli Nunes is a promising athlete in bodyboarding. Since she was nine years old, […]
By allowing the arrival of larger vessels, the operation will have greater availability of stopovers and space for embarkations TCP – the company that manages the Paranaguá Container Terminal – had its operational draft increased from 12.10 meters to 12.30 meters. The 20-centimeter increase is part of the terminal’s expansion plan, announced earlier this year. […]