Environment & Community

In August, the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP) carried out a number of actions under the scope of the Basic Environmental Program for the Indigenous Component (PBA-CI) and the Guarani Mbyá Intangible Cultural Assets Management Program. These programs aim to ensure the quality of life and the preservation of the culture of the indigenous communities on the coast of Paraná.

In the Karaguatá Poty village of the Sambaqui Indigenous Land, located in Pontal do Paraná, there was participatory organization of the next edition of the Guarani Seminars, an event attended by six villages on the coast of Paraná, which discusses territoriality and indigenous rights. Also in Sambaqui, computer classes and a visit from a veterinarian to care for domestic animals were funded.

In the Pindoty village, located on Cotinga Island in Paranaguá, there was a meeting with the TCP team and a consultancy to formalize the creation of a new Indigenous Association for the village. On that occasion, clarifications were made about associations and the statute was participatively detailed. Throughout the month, the community also received computer classes and training for indigenous researchers in historical and cultural research techniques.

In the Guaviraty village, located in Pontal do Paraná, Cultural Week was held, an event that welcomes students and teachers from schools and universities in the region, with a focus on experiencing indigenous culture. The village also received computer classes and territorial security equipment. The researchers were also trained in video editing.

Records were also taken with an elder from the Pindoty village, who spoke about rituals and sacred places for the Mbya. The Program’s villages were also prepared for the reception of hives of native stingless bees (meliponiculture), which will take place in September.

In all the villages there was agroforestry management, with soil preparation and the planting of food and tree seedlings. The executing team also agreed with the communities to organize a trip for representatives to Pataxó villages in the state of Bahia to exchange knowledge about tourist visits to indigenous villages. The Tourist Visitation Plans were updated, as was the perception survey on the indigenous presence on the coast of Paraná. Negotiations were also advanced for indigenous artisans to take part in sales fairs in the capital Curitiba.

As part of the Cultural Assets Management Program, the 7th Plenary Meeting was held, attended by indigenous leaders from the six participating villages, who were able to learn about the actions that have taken place since the start of implementation, as well as participate in planning for the coming months.

Ongoing actions to supply water, pay scholarships, cover transportation costs, internet and telephones for the leaders were carried out so that the indigenous people could participate in the activities carried out.

Finally, progress was made in organizing the exhibition on the Mbyá culture which is scheduled to take place in early 2025 at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (MAE/UFPR) in Paranaguá, and which will bring together the best records produced in the Management Programme.

Isabelle Veloso Sousa